> Sustainable Cities and Communities Handbook
List of courses provided by each Institution listed per semesters, detailing program, teaching and assessment methods, learning outcomes
All Universities (common online courses)
Semester I | List of courses | ECTS |
Mandatory | Introduction to Sustainable Cities and Communities | 6 |
Mandatory | Research Methodologies | 6 |
Semester II | ECTS | |
Mandatory | Governance of Sustainable Cities & Communities | 6 |
Mandatory | Innovation and Entrepreneurship | 6 |
Semester III | ECTS | |
Mandatory | Dissertation Project | 6 |
Mandatory | Scientific Writing and Communication | 6 |
Semester IV | ECTS | |
Master Thesis | The semester is dedicated to the Master thesis – co-tutelle formula by supervisors from 2 of the 3 Universities | 30 |
University of Coimbra (UC) https://www.uc.pt/en
Semester I | List of courses | ECTS |
Elective courses (3 from 11) | Introduction to Sustainable Cities and Communities (M) | 6 |
Research Methodologies (M) | 6 | |
Environment and Space Organization | 6 | |
Envelope Characterization and Optimization | 6 | |
Industrial Ecology | 6 | |
Energy Economics and Energy Markets | 6 | |
Fundamentals of Operational Research | 6 | |
Environmental Economics | 6 | |
Energy Conversion, Production and Storage | 6 | |
Energy Management in Buildings | 6 | |
Energy Management in Industry | 6 | |
Energy Simulation of Buildings | 6 | |
Indoor Environmental Quality | 6 |
University of Turku (UT) University of Turku
Semester II | List of courses | ECTS |
Elective courses (4 from 7) | Social Entrepreneurship | 5 |
Cultural Sustainability | 5 | |
Participatory Scenario Planning | 4 | |
Marine and Coastal Spatial Planning | 5 | |
21st Century Wicked Challenges | 5 | |
Spatial Biodiversity Informatics and Landscape Ecology | 5 | |
Applied Biogeography | 5 |
University of Poitiers (UP) Home
Semester III | List of courses | ECTS |
Elective courses (3 from 7) | Societal and Environmental Transitions | 6 |
Waste Management and Recovery | 6 | |
Energy Assessment and Diagnostics | 6 | |
Management and Enhancement of Ecosystems | 6 | |
Energy Sources and Sustainable Development | 6 | |
Thermal Science for Buildings | 6 | |
Enhancement of Natural Spaces | 6 |
Website pages where the students can or will find learning material specific to each course
Name of the University | Links of the University |
University of Coimbra | Course catalogue: https://apps.uc.pt/courses/en/index?q=&ou=&type=SEGUNDO_ESPECIALIZACAO_AVANCADA&type=SEGUNDO_FORMACAO_LONGO_VIDA Learning platform: http://moodle.uc.pt/ |
University of Poitiers | Course catalogue: Master’s Degrees Learning platform: Resources and tools |
University of Turku | Course catalogue: https://opas.peppi.utu.fi/ Learning platform: https://moodle.utu.fi/ |
Information related to the academic rules, calendar and detailed schedule of courses
Name of the University | Links of the University |
University of Coimbra | |
University of Poitiers | https://www.univ-poitiers.fr/choisir-luniversite/organisation/calendrier-universitaire/ |
University of Turku |
Study and examination regulations
Name of the University | Links of the University |
University of Coimbra | https://www.uc.pt/regulamentos/ga/vigentes/Regulamento_805_A_2020_24_09_RAUC and https://www.uc.pt/fluc/regulamentos_normas/docspdf/regulamento_avaliacao_FLUC.pdf |
University of Poitiers | https://ll.univ-poitiers.fr/accueil/examens/ , https://sha.univ-poitiers.fr/espace-etudiant/scolarite/examens |
University of Turku | www.utu.fi/sites/default/files/public%3A//media/file/UTU-regulation-on-studies.pdf |
Mobility paths in academic Year 2022/23: Possible combinations of First Semester University, Second Semester University, Third Semester University and Fourth Semester University
The first semester university is the University of Coimbra
The second semester university will be at the University of Turku
The third semester university will be at the University of Poitiers.
The fourth semester university can be one of the three previously mentioned universities. In the framework of Erasmus Mobility, following an agreement between the sending and the receiving universities, it will be possible that the Master thesis work is conducted at any of the four associated partner University.
Mobility rules applied at each university
Name of the University | Links of the University |
University of Coimbra | |
University of Poitiers | https://www.univ-poitiers.fr/en/international-students-scholars/ |
University of Turku |
Requirements for successful acquisition of ECTS credits, the consequences in case of failure to acquire them; the grading system; thesis, exam and graduation rules
Name of the University | Links of the University |
University of Coimbra | The evaluation of University exams is expressed on a scale from 0 to 20, the minimum mark is 10/20 and the maximum mark is 20/20. “Com laude” can be added to the maximum mark (20 cum laude). The evaluation of the graduation is expressed on a scale from 10 to 20, the minimum grade is 10/20 and the maximum grade is 20/20. The calculation of the final grade of each candidate takes into account the average of the marks obtained in the exams, as well as the quality of the research. https://www.uc.pt/en/ects/info_inst/ma
Other regulations: https://www.uc.pt/regulamentos/ga/vigentes/Regulamento_805_A_2020_24_09_RAUC and https://www.uc.pt/fluc/regulamentos_normas/docspdf/regulamento_avaliacao_FLUC.pdf |
University of Poitiers | The evaluation of University exams is expressed on a scale from 0 to 20, the minimum mark is 10/20 and the maximum mark is 20/20. The evaluation of the graduation is expressed on a scale from 10 to 20, the minimum grade is 10/20 and the maximum grade is 20/20. The calculation of the final grade of each candidate takes into account the average of the marks obtained in the exams, as well as the quality of the research.
Other regulations: https://ll.univ-poitiers.fr/accueil/examens/ , https://sha.univ-poitiers.fr/espace- etudiant/scolarite/examens |
University of Turku | The evaluation of University exams is expressed on a scale from 0 to 5, the minimum mark is 0 and the maximum mark is 5. The evaluation of the graduation is expressed on a scale from 1 to 5, the minimum grade is 1 and the maximum grade is 5. The calculation of the final grade of each candidate takes into account the average of the marks obtained in the exams, as well as the quality of the master’s thesis. https://www.utu.fi/en/study-at-utu/academic-matters Other regulations: www.utu.fi/sites/default/files/public%3A//media/file/UTU-regulation-on-studies.pdf |
Services provided to students and applicable conditions (library, ICT, learning facilities, accommodation, health and social security, visa and residence permits, open bank account, career days, language course)
Name of the University | Links of the University |
University of Coimbra | All information regarding services provided to students and applicable conditions can be found here: |
University of Poitiers | All information regarding services provided to students and applicable conditions can be found here: https://www.univ-poitiers.fr/en/international-students-scholars/ |
University of Turku | All information regarding services provided to students and applicable conditions can be found here: |
Application, selection and admission procedures in detail, including the eligibility and selection criteria, language qualification requirements
Please refer to the dedicated page on the EC2U website.
Contact of staff that students can consult in each University for administrative and study related issues
Name of the University | Contact |
University of Coimbra | |
University of Poitiers | |
University of Turku |