> Lifeline Programme Handbook
List of courses provided by each Institution divided per semesters, detailing program, teaching and assessment methods, learning outcomes
Name of the University | List of courses - I semester | ECTS | Compulsory/ elective |
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi - UAIC | Life-course approach and lifelong well-being | 7 | Compulsory |
| Demography and public health | 6 | Compulsory |
| Ethics and academic integrity | 5 | Compulsory |
| International law for sustainable development. Health and well-being | 6 | Elective (2 from 4) |
| Self-management in non-communicable diseases | 6 | |
| Stress management | 6 | |
| Applied skills for healthy ageing in place | 6 | |
| 30 |
Name of the University | List of courses - II semester | ECTS | Compulsory/ elective |
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi - UAIC | Qualitative research on well-being | 7 | Compulsory |
| Mental health and well-being | 6 | Compulsory |
| Quantitative research on well-being | 6 | Compulsory |
| Behaviours and health risks | 6 | Compulsory |
| Wellness and smart ageing | 5 | Compulsory |
| 30 |
OR | |||
Name of the University | List of courses - II semester | ECTS | Compulsory/ elective |
University of Salamanca - USAL | Introduction to molecular biology of cancer and pharmacological treatment | 6 | Compulsory |
Tumor microenvironment. Therapeutic strategies based on its modulation | 3 | Compulsory | |
Anti-Tumor Immunotherapy: From Biology to Clinical Applications | 3 | Compulsory | |
Advances in neurology and neuropsychology: neurodegenerative diseases | 6 | Compulsory | |
Molecular Bases of Tumoral Variability: Modifier Genes of The Susceptibility and Evolution of Cancer | 3 | Compulsory | |
Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics in Cancer Research | 3 | Compulsory | |
Regulation and integration of metabolism | 3 | Compulsory | |
| Communication strategies for cancer research | 3 | Compulsory |
| 30 |
OR | |||
Name of the University | List of courses - II semester | ECTS | Compulsory/ elective |
University of Turku - UTU | Digital Management and Leadership in Health Care | 5 | Compulsory |
Process of Instrument Implementation | 10 | Compulsory | |
Orientation and Definition of an Instrument | 5 | Compulsory | |
Process of Instrument Development and Evaluating Existing Instruments | 10 | Compulsory | |
| 30 |
Name of the University | List of courses - III semester | ECTS | Compulsory/ elective |
University of Jena - FSU | Course 1: Fundamental knowledge of work and organizational psychology: Health and safety Course 2: Medical Diagnostics and Data Analysis in Sports and Exercise | 10 | Compulsory |
Organizational health and safety (Organizational Design and Planning I) course1: Healthy Leadership, health and safety systems and structures, healthy university course 2: Ergonomics, Traffic Safety, Man-Machine-Interface | 10 | Compulsory | |
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise (Sports Medicine 1) course1: Medical Exercise Physiology course 2: Exercise Immunology | 10 | Compulsory | |
| 30 |
OR | |||
Name of the University | List of courses - III semester | ECTS | Compulsory/ elective |
University of Coimbra - UC | Healthy Urban Planning | 10 | Compulsory |
| Global Health | 10 | Compulsory |
Population, Migrations and Development | 10 | Compulsory | |
| 30 |
OR | |||
Name of the University | List of courses - III semester | ECTS | Compulsory/ elective |
University of Pavia - UNIPV | Morpho-functional basis and regenerative medicine Experimental and applied histology: Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine Physiology of Ageing Biology of Aging: from basic science to clinical implications | 9
| Compulsory |
| Medical and pharmaceutical applications to well-being Clinical applications of Biotechnologies Chemical basis of pharmacology of aging Novel drug design and preparations | 6
| Compulsory |
| Health Management and geroscience Risk Management Health Management Big data Analytics Geroscience: the intersection of basic aging biology, chronic diseases and life-style medicine for sustainable health Surgical application of biotechnologies Transgenerational medicine and gendered aging From mother womb to adolescence: how we build up our future health and well-being | 15
| Compulsory |
| 30* |
*EU and NON-EU students with a study title obtained outside of Italy must carry out an Italian language course at B1 level in the field of “further linguistic knowledge” (3 ECTS) in order to receive the Italian degree. The following students are exempted: a) students who obtained a study title at high school level or bachelor level in Italian language in Italy; b) students who obtained an Italian study title abroad, c) students having a B1 level knowledge certificate of Italian. OR | |||
Name of the University | List of courses - III semester | ECTS | Compulsory/ elective |
University of Poitiers - UP | Biorthogonal chemistry and chemical biology | 4 | Compulsory |
| Biomechanics of human movement and disability | 3 | Compulsory |
| Tailored exercise and pathologies | 4 | Compulsory |
| Means of prescribing physical activity | 4 | Compulsory |
| Computer Vision | 3 | Compulsory |
Methodologies and technological innovations in Health biology | 6 | Compulsory | |
Programming Tools and methodology | 6 | Compulsory | |
| 30 |
Name of the University | List of courses - IV semester | ECTS | Compulsory/ elective |
University of Coimbra | The semester is reserved for the Master thesis – cotutelle formula (preparation, learning and research activities) | 30 | Compulsory |
University Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Iasi | |||
University Friedrich Schiller of Jena | |||
University of Pavia | |||
University of Poitiers | |||
University of Salamanca | |||
University of Turku |
Page website where the students can find learning material specific to each course
Information related to the academic calendar and detailed schedule of courses
Name of the University | Links of the University |
University of Coimbra | https://www.uc.pt/academicos/regulamentos/calendario_2021_2022 |
University Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Iasi | https://www.uaic.ro/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Academic-calendar-21-22-1.pdf |
University Friedrich Schiller of Jena | |
University of Pavia | Academic calendar year: https://en.unipv.it/en/education/bachelors-and-masters-degree-programs/attend-your-course/study-and-exams Course website: https://lifeline.cdl.unipv.it/en/study/classes-schedule |
University of Poitiers | https://www.univ-poitiers.fr/choisir-luniversite/organisation/calendrier-universitaire/ |
University of Salamanca | |
University of Turku |
Study and examination regulations
Name of the University | Links of the University |
University of Coimbra | https://www.uc.pt/regulamentos/ga/vigentes/Regulamento_805_A_2020_24_09_RAUC and https://www.uc.pt/fluc/regulamentos_normas/docspdf/regulamento_avaliacao_FLUC.pdf |
University Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Iasi | |
University Friedrich Schiller of Jena | |
University of Pavia | Accademic regulations (Regolamento didattico): https://web.unipv.it/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Regolamento-Didattico-di-Ateneo-per-corsi-di-studio-ex-D.M.-270.pdf (IT Version) Student regulation (Regolamento studenti) - https://web.unipv.it/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/REGOLAMENTO-STUDENTI.pdf |
University of Poitiers | https://ll.univ-poitiers.fr/accueil/examens/ , https://sha.univ-poitiers.fr/espace- etudiant/scolarite/examens |
University of Salamanca | http://bocyl.jcyl.es/boletines/2019/04/16/pdf/BOCYL-D-16042019- 23.pdf |
University of Turku | www.utu.fi/sites/default/files/public%3A//media/file/UTU-regulation-on-studies.pdf |
Mobility paths:
The first semester university is “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi.
The Second semester universities are: University of Salamanca, University of Turku and “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi.
The third semester university are: University of Coimbra, University Friedrich Schiller of Jena, University of Pavia, University of Poitiers.
The fourth semester university is any of the seven from the Alliance. The student chooses the university in which she/he wants to spend each of the three semesters, guaranteeing at least two mobilities. The student is allowed to stay for a maximum of two semesters in the same university. All mobility paths that comply with these constraints are possible.
Mobility rules applied at each university
Name of the University | Links of the University |
University of Coimbra | |
University Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Iasi | https://www.uaic.ro/en/international/departamentul-de-relatii-internationale/ |
University Friedrich Schiller of Jena | |
University of Pavia | Information for international students: https://en.unipv.it/en/international-students Mobility: https://internazionale.unipv.eu/en/mobility/ and https://internazionale.unipv.eu/en/studente/ |
University of Poitiers | https://www.univ-poitiers.fr/en/international-students-scholars/ |
University of Salamanca | |
University of Turku |